Frequently Asked Questions
1. Vendor Tables & Sponsorship
Vendor tables are $60 per 6' x 2.5' table.
If you would like to sponsor the event we have 3 sponsorship tiers:
Level 1 Sponsor - $100 - 1 table at front of venue and small logo included on poster
Level 2 Sponsor - $300 - 2 tables at front of venue, logo on poster and website
Level 3 Sponsor - $500 - 4 table booth, logo on poster and website, priority booth placement and logo placement
Please message us if you are interested in attending as an exhibitor or guest
2. What can I expect to see at your event?
Attendees can expect to see tons of video games for sale across all platforms and decades of gaming. We also encourage non-game vendors to attend so there is a good chance you will see other items like fan art, Pokémon cards, vintage toys, gaming collectables, 3D printed accessories, etc.
3. Is this the same event as the Niagara Swap?
No; the Niagara Swap is a separate event. However, Ted does run the Niagara Swap. So, there are familiar faces eventhough the two events are not the same.
4. Will there be food served at this event?
Yes. However, at this time, we're not sure what the food will be. Drinks will be sold on-site.
5. What is the benefit of the VIP?
The VIP will gain early access to the convention; they will be able to enter one hour prior to the regular access. This is a benefit because there will be less people within the venue and you'll have first dibs to purchase items before others have a chance to do so.